The remnants of a volcanic cone, Kicker Rock is a towering rock outcrop off the coast of San Cristobal.
The name is somewhat disputed. León Dormido translates to Sleeping Lion, because it very much looks like a sleeping lion. The name Kicker Rock is derived from the similarity to a boot.
Whatever you call it, the 500 ft rock face is an eye catching geologic formation that both aerial and aquatic animals have made their home.
A plethora of tropical birds, such as Frigates and Blue-footed Boobies live high above the ocean while the waters below are teeming with turtles, rays, Hammerheads, White-tip Reef Sharks, Galápagos Sharks, and a wide variety of exotic fish.
The giant split between the two pieces of rock is a surreal pathway to explore and snorkelers are treated to an unforgettable wildlife experience.
Kicker Rock is an easy day visit with a boat ride of just an hour to get there from Puerto Baquerizo Moreno.